Mozilla Logging Ingestion Error Monitor

Monitors ingestion errors on all inputs, with optional inactivity and latency alerts.

1. Sample Configuration

filename = 'moz_logging_ingestion_error_monitor.lua'
message_matcher = "TRUE"
ticker_interval = 60
preserve_data = true
memory_limit = 1024 * 1024 * 64
timer_event_inject_limit = 100

alert = {
  disabled = false,
  prefix = true,
  throttle = 90,
  modules = {
    email = {recipients = {""}},
  thresholds = {
    -- ["<input_name>"] = {
        -- percent            - required (0 - 100), maximum percent error before alerting
        -- inactivity_timeout - optional (1 - 3600 seconds), time with no data before alerting
           -- rounded up to the nearest minute; specified in seconds to keep the units consistent
        -- latency            - optional (1 - 3600 seconds), median latency before alerting
    -- },
    ["*"] = { -- if not specified the default is no monitoring
        percent = 0.5,
        inactivity_timeout = 300,
        latency = 60

source code: moz_logging_ingestion_error_monitor.lua

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