GCP Logging (Stackdriver) Module (POC)

1. Overview

Lua wrapper for the GCP gRPC Logging APIs. This is a proof of concept, so it is functional but not 100% complete and subject to change. Since the 'List' interface is a query mechanism and not really suited for streaming it is recommended that the StackDriver logs be exported to pub/sub if you are looking for that type of functionality. Therefore a 'List' interface will not be provided.

2. Module

2.1. Example Usage

require "gcp.logging"

2.2. Functions

2.2.1. writer

Creates a log writer.

local writer = gcp.logging.writer(channel, max_async_requests, batch_size)


  • channel (string) e.g. "google.logging.v2"
  • max_async_requests (integer) Defaults to 20 (0 synchronous only)
  • batch_size (integer) Defaults to 1000


  • writer (userdata) or an error is thrown

2.3. writer methods

2.3.1. send, send_sync

Sends a log entry to StackDriver.

writer.send(sequence_id, log_entry)


  • sequence_id Used with send() only
    • luasandbox (lightuserdata) Opaque pointer for checkpointing
    • Lua 5.1 (number) range: zero to UINTPTR_MAX
  • log_entry (table) LogEntry schema (supported schema follows) supported schema.

      logName = string,                  -- required
      resource = {                       -- required
          type    = "gce_instance",      -- required
          labels  = {                    -- required
              instance_id = "12345678901234",
              zone        = "us-central1-a"
      timestamp   = number, -- nanoseconds since the Unix epoch
      severity    = number, -- syslog severity (converted to gcp severity by write)
      insertId    = string,
      httpRequest = {
          requestMethod       = string, -- "GET",
          requestUrl          = string, -- "/",
          requestSize         = number, -- 123,
          status              = number, -- 200,
          responseSize        = number, -- 2322,
          userAgent           = string, -- "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows 98; Q312461; .NET CLR 1.0.3705)",
          remoteIp            = string, -- "",
          serverIp            = string, -- "",
          referer             = string, -- "",
          latency             = number, -- 123000, --- nanoseconds
          cacheLookup         = boolean, -- true,
          cacheHit            = boolean, -- true,
          cacheValidatedWithOriginServer = boolean, -- true,
          cacheFillBytes      = number, -- 344,
          protocol            = string  -- "HTTP/1.1"
      labels = {
          -- string = string -- foo = "bar"
      operation = {
          id          = string, -- "",
          producer    = string, -- "",
          first       = boolean, -- true,
          last        = boolean  -- false
      trace           = string, -- "projects/my-projectid/traces/06796866738c859f2f19b7cfb3214824",
      span_id         = string, -- "000000000000004a",
      sourceLocation = {
          file        = string, -- "",
          line        = number, -- 0,
          ["function"]= string -- ""
      textPayload = string


  • status_code (integer) or throws an error
    • sent (0)
    • failed (-1)
    • skip (-2)
    • retry (-3)
    • batched (-4)
    • async (-5)
  • error (nil/string)

2.3.2. flush

Flushes the batched log entries over the network.


Arguments none


  • none or throws an error

results matching ""

    No results matching ""