HTTP Status
Graphs HTTP status codes using the numeric status code collected from web server access logs.
1. Sample Configuration
filename = 'moz_logging_http_status.lua'
message_matcher = "Type == 'logging.fxa.auth_server.nginx.access' && Fields[request] =~ '^POST /v1/account/create'"
ticker_interval = 60
preserve_data = true
-- rows = 60 * 60 * 24 * 8 + 1 -- number of rows in the graph data
-- sec_per_row = 60 -- number of seconds each row represents
-- status_field = "status" -- field containing the numeric HTTP status code
-- preservation_version (uint, optional, default 0)
-- If `preserve_data = true` then this value should be incremented every time
-- the `rows` or 'seconds_per_row' configuration is changed to prevent the
-- plugin from failing to start during data restoration.
source code: moz_logging_http_status.lua