Heka Kafka Producer Output
1. Sample Configuration
filename = "kafka.lua"
message_matcher = "TRUE"
output_limit = 8 * 1024 * 1024
brokerlist = "localhost:9092" -- see https://github.com/edenhill/librdkafka/blob/master/src/rdkafka.h#L2205
ticker_interval = 60
async_buffer_size = 20000
ignore_topic_err = false
ignore_partition_err = false
topic_constant = "test"
producer_conf = {
["queue.buffering.max.messages"] = async_buffer_size,
["batch.num.messages"] = 200,
["message.max.bytes"] = output_limit,
["queue.buffering.max.ms"] = 10,
["topic.metadata.refresh.interval.ms"] = -1,
-- https://github.com/edenhill/librdkafka/blob/master/CONFIGURATION.md#topic-configuration-properties
topic_confs = {
-- <topic_name> = {<topic_conf>},
["*"] = {<topic_conf>} -- optional default topic configuration
-- Specify a module that will encode/convert the Heka message into its output representation.
encoder_module = "encoders.heka.protobuf" -- default
source code: kafka.lua