Mozilla Ingestion Monitor

Monitors the specified data ingestion errors and inactivity, partitioned by the hierarchy configuration.

  • ingestion_error - monitors the ingestion error rate
  • inactivity - monitors for inactivity (no data)
  • duplicates - monitors the number of duplicates removed by ingestion
  • capture_samples - capture data samples for debugging

1. Sample Configuration

filename        = "moz_ingest_doctype_monitor.lua"
docType         = "%s"
message_matcher = "Fields[docType] == '" .. docType .. "' && Logger == '%s'"
ticker_interval = 60
preserve_data   = true
output_limit    = 1024 * 1024 * 8
memory_limit    = 1024 * 1024 * 64
telemetry       = false --  when true appBuildId filtering discards anything older than 90 days
hierarchy       = {

alert = {
  disabled = false,
  prefix = true,
  throttle = 1440,
  modules = {
    email = {recipients = {""}},

  thresholds = { -- map of hierarchy specified above
    ["*"] = {
      ingestion_error       = 1.0, -- percent error (0.0 - 100.0, nil disables)
      ingestion_error_topn  = 3 -- tracks the last top N errors for alert suppression

      duplicates      = 1.0, -- percent error (0.0 - 100.0, nil disables)
      inactivity      = 0, -- inactivity timeout in minutes (0 - 60, 0 == auto scale, nil disables)
      capture_samples = 2, -- number of samples to capture (1-10, nil disables)
preservation_version = 0 -- if the hierarchy is changed this must be incremented

source code: moz_ingest_doctype_monitor.lua

results matching ""

    No results matching ""