FXA Content OAuth Errors

Tracks and alerts on FXA OAuth errors.

1. Sample Configuration

filename = 'fxa_content_oauth_errors.lua'
-- todo verify matcher
message_matcher = "Type == 'logging.fxa.content_server.docker.fxa-content'"
ticker_interval = 60
preserve_data = true

-- title = "FxA Content OAuth Errors" -- report title
-- rows = 1440 -- number of rows in the graph data
-- sec_per_row = 60 -- number of seconds each row represents

alert = {
  disabled = false,
  prefix = true,
  throttle = 60,
  modules = {
    email = {recipients = {"trink@mozilla.com"}},

source code: fxa_content_oauth_errors.lua

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    No results matching ""