GCP Logging Output

Maps the Heka protobuf message to a LogEntry and then delivers it to Stackdriver.

1. Sample Configuration

filename            = "gcp_logging.lua"
message_matcher     = "Logger == 'input.nginx_access'"
ticker_interval     = 1 -- this should be zero when batch_size == 1 and max_async_requests == 0

channel             = "logging.googleapis.com"
project             = "projects/mozilla-data-poc-198117"
log_id_default      = "default"
-- log_id_field        = "Type" -- optional field to extract the log_id from, if nil the default is used
max_async_requests  = 20 -- default (0 synchronous only)
batch_size          = 1000 -- default/maximum
async_buffer_size   = max_async_requests * batch_size

-- explicit mapping; Heka message to LogEntry
log_entry_map       = {
    -- logName =        -- if not specified it is constructed from the project and log_id configuration
    -- resource = {}    -- if not specified it defaults to the gce_instance metadata
    timestamp   = "Timestamp",
    severity    = "Severity",
    insertId    = "Uuid",
    labels      = {
        Hostname        = "Hostname",
        bodyBytesSent   = "Fields[body_bytes_sent]",
        request         = "Fields[request]",
        remoteUser      = "Fields[remote_user]",
        type            = "nginx", -- treated as a literal
    httpRequest = {
        remoteIp        = "Fields[remote_addr]",
        userAgent       = "Fields[http_user_agent]",
        status          = "Fields[status]",
        referer         = "Fields[referer]",
    textPayload = read_message("Payload")

source code: gcp_logging.lua

results matching ""

    No results matching ""