Mozilla TLS Reports Decoder Module

Extract clock skew, issuer info and Subject / SAN match status from tls error reports.

1. Decoder Configuration Table (optional)

decoders_moz_telemetry_tls = {
    -- Boolean used to determine whether to inject the raw message in addition to the decoded one.
    inject_raw = false -- optional, if not specified the raw message is not injected

2. Functions

2.1. transform_message

Transform and inject the message using the provided stream reader


  • hsr (hsr) - stream reader with the message to process


  • none, injects an error message on decode failure

2.2. decode

Decode and inject the message given as argument, using a module-internal stream reader


  • msg (string) - binary message to decode


  • none, injects an error message on decode failure

source code: tls.lua

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