Heka AMQP Consumer Input

1. Sample Configuration

filename                = "amqp.lua"
output_limit            = 8 * 1024 * 1024
ticker_interval         = 1 -- attempt to restablish a connection after a failure

amqp = {
    host                = "amqp.example.com",
    port                = 5672, -- default
    user                = "guest",
    _password           = "guest",
    connect_timeout     = 10, -- default seconds
    exchange            = "exchange/foo/bar",
    binding             = "#", -- default
    queue_name          = nil, -- creates an exclusive/temporary queue
    manual_ack          = false,
    passive             = false,
    durable             = false,
    exclusive           = false,
    auto_delete         = false,
    prefetch_size       = 0,
    prefetch_count      = 1, -- default, read one at a time
    ssl = { -- optional if not provided ssl is disabled use ssl = {} to enable with defaults
        _key            = nil,  -- path to client key
        cert            = nil,  -- path to client cert
        cacert          = nil,  -- path to credential authority cert
        verifypeer      = false,
        verifyhostname  = false

-- Heka message table containing the default header values to use, if they are
-- not populated by the decoder. If 'Fields' is specified it should be in the
-- hashed based format see:  http://mozilla-services.github.io/lua_sandbox/heka/message.html
-- This input will always default the Type header to the Kafka topic name.
-- Default:
-- default_headers = nil

-- printf_messages = -- see: https://mozilla-services.github.io/lua_sandbox_extensions/lpeg/modules/lpeg/printf.html

-- Specifies a module that will decode the raw data and inject the resulting message.
-- Supports the same syntax as an individual sub decoder
-- see: https://mozilla-services.github.io/lua_sandbox_extensions/lpeg/io_modules/lpeg/sub_decoder_util.html
-- Default:
-- decoder_module = "decoders.heka.protobuf"

source code: amqp.lua

results matching ""

    No results matching ""