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use super::*;
/// Transform an `async fn` into an equivalent `fn … -> impl Future` signature.
pub(in crate)
fn manually_unsugar_async (
mut fun: ImplItemMethod,
) -> ImplItemMethod
// 1) Remove the `async` keyword to get a normal `fn`.
fun.sig.asyncness = None;
// 2) Introduce a new "free" lifetime parameter, which will be the `'lt`
// in `-> impl 'lt + Future…`
// For such a lifetime to work (for the body of the function to compile)
// we need the types of each parameter (captured by the future) to
// be "usable within that `'lt`", _.i.e_, we need `ArgTy : 'lt` to hold
// for each `ArgTy` (including `Self`).
let ref Self_: Option<Type> = fun.sig.receiver().and_then(|it| {
// If there is a receiver *and* if it is in the shorthand form,
// we need to forge a `Self` type ourselves.
if let FnArg::Receiver(rc) = it {
let Self_ = format_ident!("Self", span = rc.self_token.span);
// If `Some`, it bundles a named lifetime, by construction.
if let Some((ref amp, ref lt)) = rc.reference {
#amp #lt #Self_
} else {
} else {
let generics = &mut fun.sig.generics;
let minimum_lifetime = Lifetime::new(
let idx = generics.lifetimes().count();
generics.params.insert(idx, parse_quote!( #minimum_lifetime ));
let input_tys = fun.sig.inputs.iter().map(|fn_arg| match *fn_arg {
| FnArg::Receiver(_) => Self_.as_ref().unwrap(),
| FnArg::Typed(PatType { ref ty, .. }) => ty,
.extend(input_tys.map(|ty| -> WherePredicate {
// ≥
#ty : #minimum_lifetime
// 3) Replace `-> RetTy` with `-> impl 'lt + Future<Output = RetTy>`
// (Note: no need to worry about auto-traits here, since they leak anyways)
let Ret = match mem::replace(&mut fun.sig.output, ReturnType::Default) {
| ReturnType::Type(_arrow, ty) => ty,
| ReturnType::Default => parse_quote!( () ),
fun.sig.output = parse_quote!(
#minimum_lifetime +
Output = #Ret,
// 4) In the to-be-generated `async move { … }` function body, we need to
// make sure all the function parameters are captured by it.
// In order to do that, we emit a dummy `let _ = (arg1, arg2, …);` statement
// at the beginning of that `async move` block.
// That being said, if the user fed to the macro some more exotic patterns,
// such as `async fn f(_: Arg) {}`: we cannot emit `let _ = _;`!
// (and even if we could, that would not capture that variable).
// So this gets a bit more annoying: we roll our own set of fallback var
// names, `__arg_0`, `__arg_1`, …, and replace such patterns with it.
// Then, to go back to the arg semantics that the user wrote, we change the
// LHS of the `let` to be the replaced pattern.
let capture_args_stmt = {
let self_comma = fun.sig.receiver().map(|_| {
quote!( self, )
let self_pat_comma = self_comma.as_ref().map(|_| {
quote!( _, )
let mut each_simple_arg_name =
(0 .. fun.sig.inputs.len())
.map(|i| format_ident!("__arg_{}", i))
let mut each_simple_arg_name = &mut each_simple_arg_name[..];
let mut inputs =
fun .sig
if self_pat_comma.is_some() {
each_simple_arg_name = &mut each_simple_arg_name[1 ..];
let each_pat =
.zip(&mut each_simple_arg_name[..])
.map(|(arg_pat, simple_name)| match *arg_pat {
| FnArg::Typed(PatType {
ref mut pat,
}) => {
match **pat {
| Pat::Ident(PatIdent { ref ident, .. })
if ident.to_string().starts_with("__arg_").not()
=> {
| ref mut it => mem::replace(
| _ => unreachable!(),
// A comment for people looking at the output of `showme` to understand
// what is going on:
let comment = if cfg!(feature = "showme") {
"Mention the input vars so that they get captured by the Future";
} else {
let (
#self_pat_comma #(#each_pat ,)*
) = (
#self_comma #(#each_simple_arg_name ,)*
// 5) And voilà! 🙂
let stmts = &fun.block.stmts;
fun.block = parse_quote!({
async move {