Merino Contract Tests - Client


This documentation describes a Python-based test framework for the contract tests. The HTTP client used in the framework supports:

  • Requests to Kinto (Remote Settings) for record population
  • Requests for suggestions from Merino, with response checks

For more details on contract test design, refer to the contract-tests documentation.


The client is instructed on request and response check actions via scenarios, recorded in the scenarios.yml file. A scenario is defined by a name, a description and steps.


A test name should identify the use case under test. Names are written in snake case with double-underscores __ for scenario and behavior delineation.

Example: remote_settings__refresh


A test description should outline, in greater detail, the purpose of a test, meaning the feature or common user interaction being verified.

Example: Test that Merino successfully returns refreshed output in the cases of suggestion content updates and additions


Kinto Service
  • The Kinto service scenario step populates the records used by the Merino service
  • Kinto request fields:
    • service - Set the value to kinto, to direct requests to the Kinto service
    • delay - (optional) Set seconds to pause before execution of request
    • record_id - Set the ID that will correspond with the records specified in filename
    • filename - Set the file with records to upload. The files are located in ..\volumes\kinto
    • data_type - Set to data or offline-expansion-data
  • A Kinto service scenario step will not check a response defined in the scenario, but will raise an error in the event of an unexpected HTTP response
  • All records populated by Kinto service scenario steps are deleted as part of the scenario teardown


- request:
    service: kinto
    record_id: "data-01"
    filename: "data-01.json"
    data_type: "data"
Merino Service
  • The Merino service scenario step sends queries to merino and checks the validity of the responses
  • Merino request fields:
    • service - Set the value to merino, to direct requests to the Merino service
    • delay - (optional) Set seconds to pause before execution of request
    • method - Set the HTTP request method
    • path - Set the query and parameters for the request method
    • headers - Set a list of HTTP request headers
  • Merino response fields:
    • status_code - Set the expected HTTP response status code
    • content - Set a list of expected merino suggestion content
      • The request_id is excluded from verification and can be set to null in the scenario


- name: suggest__apple
  description: Test that Merino successfully returns a suggestion
    - request:
        service: merino
        method: GET
        path: '/api/v1/suggest?q=apple'
          - name: User-Agent
            value: 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; rv:10.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/91.0'
          - name: Accept-Language
            value: 'en-US'
        status_code: 200
          client_variants: []
          server_variants: []
          request_id: null
            - block_id: 1
              full_keyword: 'apple'
              title: 'Wikipedia - Apple'
              url: ''
              impression_url: ''
              click_url: ''
              provider: 'test_provider'
              advertiser: 'test_advertiser'
              is_sponsored: false
              icon: ''
              score: 0.0

Local Execution

To execute the test scenarios outside the client Docker container, create a Python virtual environment, set environment variables, expose the Merino and Kinto API ports in the docker-compose.yml and use a pytest command. It is recommended to execute the tests within a Python virtual environment to prevent dependency cross contamination.

  1. Create a Virtual Environment

    The developer documentation on dependences for working on Merino dependencies, provides instruction on creating a virtual environment via pyenv, and installing all requirements via poetry.

  2. Setup Environment Variables

    The following environment variables are set in docker-compose.yml, but will require local setup via command line, pytest.ini file or IDE configuration:

    • MERINO_URL: The URL of the Merino service
      • Example: MERINO_URL=http://localhost:8000
    • KINTO_URL: The URL of the Kinto service
      • Example: KINTO_URL=http://localhost:8888
    • KINTO_ATTACHMENTS_URL: The URL of the Kinto Attachments service
      • Example: KINTO_ATTACHMENTS_URL=http://localhost:80
    • KINTO_BUCKET: The ID of the Kinto bucket to create
      • Example: KINTO_BUCKET=main
    • KINTO_COLLECTION: The ID of the Kinto collection to create
      • Example: KINTO_COLLECTION=quicksuggest
    • KINTO_DATA_DIR: The directory containing advertiser data
      • Example: KINTO_DATA_DIR=tests/contract/volumes/kinto
    • SCENARIOS_FILE: The directory containing contract test scenario files
      • Example: SCENARIOS_FILE=tests/contract/volumes/client/scenarios.yml
  3. Modify tests/contract/docker-compose.yml

    In the merino definition, expose port 8000 by adding the following:

      - "8000:8000"

    In the kinto definition, expose port 8888 by adding the following:

      - "8888:8888"

    In the kinto-attachments definition, expose port 80 by adding the following:

      - "80:80"
  4. Run merino, kinto-setup, kinto and kinto-attachment docker containers

    Execute the following from the project root:

     docker-compose \
       -f tests/contract/docker-compose.yml \
       -p merino-py-contract-tests \
       up merino
  5. Run the contract tests

    Execute the following from the project root:

    pytest tests/contract/client/tests/ -vv
    • Tests can be run individually using -k expr.

      Example executing the remote_settings__refresh scenario:

      pytest tests/contract/client/tests/ -vv -k remote_settings__refresh