How to Add to the Wikipedia Indexer and Provider Blocklist

Provider - Rapid Blocklist Addition

These steps define how to rapidly add and therefore block a Wikipedia article by its title.

  1. In /merino/utils/, add the matching title to TITLE_BLOCK_LIST.

NOTE: Ensure the title field is added as it appears with correct spacing between the words. In adding to the list, enter the title as it appears in Wikipedia. Membership checks of the block list are not case sensitive and any underscores in the titles should instead be spaces.

  1. Check in the changes to source control, merge a pull request with the new block list and deploy Merino.

Indexer Job

Since the indexer runs at a regular cadence, you do not need to re-run the Airflow job. Adding to the blocklist using the steps above is sufficient to rapidly block a title. The next time the Wikipedia indexer job runs, this title will be excluded during the indexer job.

NOTE: There are two blocklists referenced by the Wikipedia Indexer Job:

  1. blocklist_file_url: a key contained in the merino/configs/default.toml file that points to a remote block list which encapsulates blocked categories.
  2. WIKIPEDIA_TITLE_BLOCKLIST: an application-level list of titles found at /merino/utils/ as explained above.