Unit Tests

The unit layer is suitable for testing complex behavior at a small scale, with fine-grained control over the inputs. Due to their narrow scope, unit tests are fundamental to thorough test coverage.

To execute unit tests, use: make unit-tests

Unit tests are written and executed with pytest and are located in the tests/unit directory, using the same organizational structure as the source code of the merino service. Type aliases dedicated for test should be stored in the types.py module. The conftest.py modules contain common utilities in fixtures.

For a breakdown of fixtures in use per test, use: make unit-test-fixtures


Available fixtures include:


Useful when verifying log messages, this fixture filters log records captured with pytest's caplog by a given logger_name.


def test_with_filter_caplog(
    caplog: LogCaptureFixture, filter_caplog: FilterCaplogFixture
) -> None:
    records: list[LogRecord] = filter_caplog(caplog.records, "merino.providers.adm")

Note: This fixture is shared with integration tests.


For use when querying providers, this fixture creates a SuggestionRequest object with a given query


def test_with_suggestion_request(srequest: SuggestionRequestFixture) -> None:
    request: SuggestionRequest = srequest("example")
    result: list[BaseSuggestion] = await provider.query(request)

ScopeFixture, ReceiveMockFixture & SendMockFixture

For use when testing middleware, these fixtures initialize or mock the common Scope, Receive and Send object dependencies.


def test_middleware(scope: Scope, receive_mock: Receive, send_mock: Send) -> None: