Merino is a service that provides address bar suggestions and curated recommendations to Firefox. Some of this content comes from third party providers. In this case, Merino serves as a privacy preserving buffer. User input in the address bar is handled by Merino and any clicked impression will be delegated to a Mozilla-controlled service which will then send an interaction ping if defined in the request and not to a provider directly. See API documentation for more details.
Table of Contents - API Documentation describes endpoints, query parameters, request and response headers, response objects and details on the suggestion objects. - Firefox and Merino Environments describes how to enable Merino in Firefox and lists the endpoints for the service in Production, State and Dev. - Data, Metrics, Logging describes all metrics and logs.
dev/ - Basic Developer Docs describes basics of working on Merino.
dev/ - Development Dependencies describes the development dependencies required for Merino.
dev/ - Logging and Metrics describes metrics, logging, and telemetry.
dev/ - Release Process describes the release process of Merino in detail.
dev/ - Testing describes unit, integration and load tests for Merino.
dev/ - Profiling describes how to profile Merino to address performance issues.
operations/ - Configuring Merino describes configuration management of the project, Dynaconf setup, and the configuration of the HTTP server, logging, metrics, Remote Settings, and Sentry.
operations/ - Elasticsearch Operations describes some functionality and operations that we do on the Elasticsearch cluster.
operations/ - Merino Jobs describes the jobs that are configured in Merino. Indicate where the jobs exist and link to the details for how the jobs are run.
About the Name
This project drives an important part of Firefox's "felt experience". That is, the feeling of using Firefox, hopefully in a delightful way. The word "felt" in this phrase refers to feeling, but it can be punned to refer to the textile. Felt is often made of wool, and Merino wool (from Merino sheep) produces exceptionally smooth felt.
flowchart TD subgraph Firefox["fa:fa-firefox-browser Firefox"] NewTab UrlBar end subgraph NewTab["fa:fa-plus New Tab"] CuratedRecommendations("Curated Recommendations") WeatherWidget("Weather Widget") end subgraph UrlBar["fa:fa-magnifying-glass Url Bar"] online("Online Search and Suggest") offline("Offline Search and Suggest<br>fetches adMarketplace, static Wikipedia, <br>and other suggestions.<br> Offline mode is fallback if Merino times out.") end subgraph middleware["fa:fa-layer-group Middleware"] Geolocation["Geolocation"] Logging["Logging"] UserAgent["UserAgent"] Metrics["Metrics"] end subgraph suggestProviders["fa:fa-truck Suggest Providers"] admProvider("adm") amoProvider("amo") geolocationProvider("geolocation") toppicksProvider("top-picks") weatherProvider("weather") wikipediaProvider("wikipedia") end subgraph suggestBackends["fa:fa-microchip Suggest Backends"] remoteSettingsBackend("remote settings") accuweatherBackend("accuweather") elasticBackend("elastic") toppicksBackend("top picks") dynamicAmoBackend("dynamic addons") end subgraph curatedRecommendationsBackends["fa:fa-microchip Curated Recommendations Backends"] corpusBackend("corpus") extendedExpirationCorpusBackend("corpus extended expiration") gcsEngagementBackend("gcs engagement") fakespotBackend("fakespot") gcsPriorBackend("gcs prior") end subgraph Merino["fa:fa-server Merino"] srh("fa:fa-gears Suggest Request Handler") crh("fa:fa-gears Curated Recommendations Handler") mrh("fa:fa-gears Manifest Handler") middleware maxmind[("fa:fa-database MaxmindDB")] suggestProviders curatedRecommendationsProvider["fa:fa-truck Curated Recommendations Provider"] manifestProvider["fa:fa-truck Manifest Provider"] suggestBackends curatedRecommendationsBackends manifestBackend["Manifest Backend"] end subgraph Jobs["fa:fa-rotate Airflow (Merino Jobs)"] wikipediaSyncJob("Wikipedia Sync") toppicksSyncJob("Top Picks Sync") end User[\"fa:fa-user User"/] -- Accessing the Firefox URL bar --> Firefox online -- /api/v1/suggest --> srh CuratedRecommendations -- "/api/v1/curated-recommendations" --> crh manifest["manifest"] -- /api/v1/manifest --> mrh WeatherWidget --> srh srh -..- middleware crh -..- middleware mrh -..- middleware srh --> suggestProviders crh --> curatedRecommendationsProvider mrh --> manifestProvider curatedRecommendationsProvider --> curatedRecommendationsBackends manifestProvider --> manifestBackend admProvider --> remoteSettingsBackend amoProvider --> dynamicAmoBackend toppicksProvider --> toppicksBackend weatherProvider --> accuweatherBackend wikipediaProvider --> elasticBackend Geolocation --> maxmind dynamicAmoBackend --> addonsAPI("fa:fa-globe Addons API") elasticBackend --> elasticSearch[("Elasticsearch")] manifestBackend -..-> toppicksData[("fa:fa-database GCS Top Picks Data,<br>a list of Mozilla curated popular sites and metadata to be <br>displayed on browser")] toppicksSyncJob -..-> toppicksData accuweatherBackend -..-> accuweatherAPI("fa:fa-globe Accuweather API") accuweatherAPI -. tries to query cache first ..-> redis[("fa:fa-memory Redis Cache")] gcsEngagementBackend --> gcsMerinoAirflowData[("fa:fa-database GCS Merino Airflow Data")] gcsPriorBackend --> gcsMerinoAirflowData fakespotBackend --> gcsFakespotNewTabProducts[("fa:fa-database GCS Fakespot NewTab Products")] corpusBackend -..-> curatedCorpusAPI("fa:fa-globe Curated Corpus API") offline -..- kinto[("Remote Settings")] remoteSettingsBackend --- kinto wikipediaSyncJob -. Syncs Wikipedia entries weekly ..- elasticSearch