
Choosing a logging library for Merino

  • Status: accepted
  • Date: 2021-07-28

Tracking issue: N/A

Context and Problem Statement

Merino needs a way to generate cache keys for items it will store in the cache. A natural way to do this is by hashing the input, and using the result of the hash for the cache key. There are many hash keys available. Which one should Merino use?

Decision Drivers

  • For Merino's common workloads, generating a hash should be low latency.
  • The items that Merino hashes are relatively small, a few dozen bytes plus the user's query.
  • Hashes should be stable across time (on multiple version of Merino) and space (on multiple instances of the same version of Merino).
  • HashDoS protection is not a concern.

Considered Options

  1. SipHash
  2. aHash
  3. rustc-hash (aka FxHasher)
  4. HighwayHash
  5. sha256 or similar
  6. Blake3

Decision Outcome

Chosen option: option 6, Blake3, because it is network-safe, and very fast.

Pros and Cons of the Options

Option 1 - SipHash

SipHash is a non-cryptographic hash algorithm used by default for Rust's hashing needs, such as HashMaps. It is designed primarily to be resistent against "HashDoS" attacks, in which an attacker can force hash collisions in a system and overwhelm data structures like hashmaps and caches. It is faster than most cryptographic hashes, such as sha256, but is generally slower than other hashes considered.

In Rust's standard library, the standard way to use SipHash is with std::collections::hash_map::DefaultHasher, which is not guaranteed to produce stable output over time. Specifically, DefaultHasher may change to hashing algorithm besides SipHash in the future.

  • Good, because it is widely tested by Rust
  • Good, because it is already available in the standard library
  • Bad, because it spends resources on hashdos protection, which we don't need
  • Bad, because Rust's DefaultHash is the normal way to use it, and DefaultHash may change in the future.

Option 2 - aHash

AHash is designed with the explicit purpose of being the fastest HashDOS resistant hash available in Rust. It is also designed specifically to be used for in-memory hashmaps, and is not guaranteed to be stable over time or space.

This would be a viable candidate for any case where Merino uses in-memory hashmaps that need high performance, but is not suitable for network hashing, such as for Redis keys.

  • Good, because it is very fast
  • Bad, because it is not network-safe

Option 3 - rustc-hash aka FxHash


This is the hashing algorithm used internally by the Rust compiler, and is used in some places in Firefox. It is also not designed to be network safe, though it may be by accident. It is comparable in speed to aHash, depending on the input. It is not resistant against HashDoS attacks, since it is not a keyed hashing algorithm.

Notably, the aHash hash comparison suite claims that it is easy to accidentally produce self-DoS conditions with this hashing algorithm, if the hash inputs are not well chosen.

  • Good, because it is used in rustc and Firefox
  • Good, because it is relatively fast
  • Bad, because it is not intended to be network safe
  • Bad, because of claims about extreme weakness against DoS, including self-DoS

Option 4 - HighwayHash

HighwayHash is an algorithm developed by Google designed to be network safe, strong against DoS attacks, and SIMD-optimized. It is recommended by the aHash README as a better choice in "network use or in applications which persist hashed values".

Notably, HighwayHash is relatively slow for small hash inputs, but relatively fast for larger ones (though still not as fast as most non-network-safe algorithms). Merino's hash inputs are near the boundary where it starts to be faster than it's competition.

There is a predecessor to HighwayHash, FarmHash (and CityHash before it), that are faster for smaller inputs. However, the libraries for these aren't maintained anymore.

  • Good, because it is relatively fast
  • Good, because it is designed to be network-safe
  • Good, because it is a "frozen" by Google, and won't change in the future
  • Good, because it is actively maintained.
  • Bad, because it's relatively slow for smaller keys.

Option 5 - sha256 or similar

The SHA family of hashes are network and DoS safe. However, due to being cryptographic hash functions are notably slower than non-cryptographic hashes. For purposes where speed is not an issue, they are exceptionally safe and well tested algorithms that should be considered.

  • Good, because it is very safe
  • Good, because it is very widely used and studied
  • Bad, because it is slow
  • Bad, because we pay for unneeded features

Option 6 - Blake3

Blake3 is a cryptographic hash function designed to be highly parallizable and extremely fast. Being a cryptographic hash, it is network-safe, and Hash-DoS resistant. It is however much faster than most cryptographic algorithms, competing with the other fast algorithms considered here. It is a relatively new hash, first published in January of 2020.

  • Good, because it is ver safe
  • Good, because it very fast
  • Good, because it can be parallizable for large payloads
  • Bad, because it is relatively young

Other resources

Benchmarking results for hashing 128 byte values

Chart of the performance of various hashing libraries
