


For Autopush, we will focus on the section in the above diagram in the Autopush square.

Autopush consists of two types of server daemons:

autoconnect (connection node) - Run a connection node. These handle large amounts of Firefox user agents using the Websocket protocol.

autoendpoint (endpoint node) - Run an endpoint node. These provide a WebPush HTTP API for Application Servers <AppServer> to HTTP POST messages to endpoints.

To have a running Push Service for Firefox, both of these server daemons must be running and communicating with the same Storage system and tables.

Endpoint nodes handle all Notification POST requests, looking up in storage to see what Push server the UAID is connected to. The Endpoint nodes then attempt delivery to the appropriate connection node. If the UAID is not online, the message may be stored in Storage in the appropriate message table.

Push connection nodes accept websocket connections (this can easily be HTTP/2 for WebPush), and deliver notifications to connected clients. They check Storage for missed notifications as necessary.

There will be many more Push servers to handle the connection node, while more Endpoint nodes can be handled as needed for notification throughput.


The HTTP endpoint URL's generated by the connection nodes contain encrypted information, the UAID and Subscription to send the message to. This means that they both must have the same CRYPTO_KEY supplied to each.

See autopush_common::endpoint::make_endpoint(...) for the endpoint URL generator.

If you are only running Autopush locally, you can skip to running as later topics in this document apply only to developing or production scale deployments of Autopush.

WebPush Sort Keys

Messages for WebPush are stored using a partition key + sort key, originally the sort key was:

CHID : Encrypted(UAID: CHID)

The encrypted portion was returned as the Location to the Application Server. Decrypting it resulted in enough information to create the sort key so that the message could be deleted and located again.

For WebPush Topic messages, a new scheme was needed since the only way to locate the prior message is the UAID + CHID + Topic. Using Encryption in the sort key is therefore not useful since it would change every update.

The sort key scheme for WebPush messages is:


To ensure updated messages are not deleted, each message will still have an update-id key/value in its item.

Non-versioned messages are assumed to be original messages from before this scheme was adopted.

VERSION is a 2-digit 0-padded number, starting at 01 for Topic messages.

Storage Tables

Autopush uses Google Cloud Bigtable as a key / value data storage system.

DynamoDB (legacy)

Previously, for DynamoDB, Autopush used a single router and messages table. On startup, Autopush created these tables. For more information on DynamoDB tables, see

Google Bigtable

For Bigtable, Autopush presumes that the table autopush has already been allocated, and that the following Cell Families have been created:

  • message with a garbage collection policy set to max age of 1 second
  • router with a garbage collection policy set to max versions of 1
  • message_topic with a garbage collection policy set to max versions of 1 or max age of 1 second

the following BASH script may be a useful example. It presumes that the google-cloud-sdk has already been installed and initialized.

PROJECT=test &&\
INSTANCE=test &&\
DATABASE=autopush &&\
MESSAGE=message &&\
TOPIC=message_topic &&\
ROUTER=router &&\
cbt -project $PROJECT -instance $INSTANCE createtable $DATABASE && \
cbt -project $PROJECT -instance $INSTANCE createfamily $DATABASE $MESSAGE && \
cbt -project $PROJECT -instance $INSTANCE createfamily $DATABASE $TOPIC && \
cbt -project $PROJECT -instance $INSTANCE createfamily $DATABASE $ROUTER && \
cbt -project $PROJECT -instance $INSTANCE setgcpolicy $DATABASE $MESSAGE maxage=1s && \
cbt -project $PROJECT -instance $INSTANCE setgcpolicy $DATABASE $TOPIC maxversions=1 or maxage=1s && \
cbt -project $PROJECT -instance $INSTANCE setgcpolicy $DATABASE $ROUTER maxversions=1

Please note, this document will refer to the message table and the router table for legacy reasons. Please consider these to be the same as the message and router cell families.

Router Table Schema

The router table contains info about how to send out the incoming message.

DynamoDB (legacy)

The router table stored metadata for a given UAID as well as which month table should be used for clients with a router_type of webpush.

For "Bridging", additional bridge-specific data may be stored in the router record for a UAID.

uaidpartition key - UAID
router_typeRouter Type (See [autoendpoint::extractors::routers::RouterType])
node_idHostname of the connection node the client is connected to.
connected_atPrecise time (in milliseconds) the client connected to the node.
last_connectglobal secondary index - year-month-hour that the client has last connected.
curmonthMessage table name to use for storing WebPush messages.

Autopush DynamoDB used an optimistic deletion policy for node_id to avoid delete calls when not needed. During a delivery attempt, the endpoint would check the node_id for the corresponding UAID. If the client was not connected, it would clear the node_id record for that UAID in the router table.

If an endpoint node discovered during a delivery attempt that the node_id on record did not have the client connected, it would clear the node_id record for that UAID in the router table.

The last_connect was a secondary global index to allow for maintenance scripts to locate and purge stale client records and messages.

Clients with a router_type of webpush drain stored messages from the message table named curmonth after completing their initial handshake. If the curmonth entry was not the current month then it updated it to store new messages in the latest message table after stored message retrieval.


The Router table is identified by entries with just the UAID, containing cells that are of the router family. These values are similar to the ones listed above.

router_typeRouter Type (See [autoendpoint::extractors::routers::RouterType])
node_idHostname of the connection node the client is connected to.
connected_atPrecise time (in milliseconds) the client connected to the node.
last_connectyear-month-hour that the client has last connected.

Message Table Schema

The message table stores messages for users while they're offline or unable to get immediate message delivery.

DynamoDB (legacy)

uaidpartition key - UAID
chidmessageidsort key - CHID + Message-ID.
chidsSet of CHID that are valid for a given user. This entry was only present in the item when chidmessageid is a space.
dataPayload of the message, provided in the Notification body.
headersHTTP headers for the Notification.
ttlTime-To-Live for the Notification.
timestampTime (in seconds) that the message was saved.
updateidUUID generated when the message was stored to track if the message was updated between a client reading it and attempting to delete it.

The subscribed channels were stored as chids in a record stored with a blank space set for chidmessageid. Before storing or delivering a Notification a lookup was done against these chids.


dataPayload of the message, provided in the Notification body.
headersHTTP headers for the Notification.
ttlTime-To-Live for the Notification.
timestampTime (in seconds) that the message was saved.
updateidUUID generated when the message is stored to track if the message is updated between a client reading it and attempting to delete it.

Autopush used a table rotation system, which is now legacy. You may see some references to this as we continue to remove it.

Push Characteristics

  • When the Push server has sent a client a notification, no further notifications will be accepted for delivery (except in one edge case). In this state, the Push server will reply to the Endpoint with a 503 to indicate it cannot currently deliver the notification. Once the Push server has received ACKs for all sent notifications, new notifications can flow again, and a check of storage will be done if the Push server had to reply with a 503. The Endpoint will put the Notification in storage in this case.
  • (Edge Case) Multiple notifications can be sent at once, if a notification comes in during a Storage check, but before it has completed.
  • If a connected client is able to accept a notification, then the Endpoint will deliver the message to the client completely bypassing Storage. This Notification will be referred to as a Direct Notification vs. a Stored Notification.
  • (DynamoDb (legacy)) Provisioned Write Throughput for the Router table determines how many connections per second can be accepted across the entire cluster.
  • (DynamoDb (legacy)) Provisioned Read Throughput for the Router table and Provisioned Write throughput for the Storage table determine maximum possible notifications per second that can be handled. In theory notification throughput can be higher than Provisioned Write Throughput on the Storage as connected clients will frequently not require using Storage at all. Read's to the Router table are still needed for every notification, whether Storage is hit or not.
  • (DynamoDb (legacy)) Provisioned Read Throughput on for the Storage table is an important factor in maximum notification throughput, as many slow clients may require frequent Storage checks.
  • If a client is reconnecting, their Router record will be old. Router records have the node_id cleared optimistically by Endpoints when the Endpoint discovers it cannot deliver the notification to the Push node on file. If the conditional delete fails, it implies that the client has during this period managed to connect somewhere again. It's entirely possible that the client has reconnected and checked storage before the Endpoint stored the Notification, as a result the Endpoint must read the Router table again, and attempt to tell the node_id for that client to check storage. Further action isn't required, since any more reconnects in this period will have seen the stored notification.

Push Endpoint Length

The Endpoint URL may seem excessively long. This may seem needless and confusing since the URL consists of the unique User Agent Identifier (UAID) and the Subscription Channel Identifier (CHID). Both of these are class 4 Universally Unique Identifiers (UUID) meaning that an endpoint contains 256 bits of entropy (2 * 128 bits). When used in string format, these UUIDs are always in lower case, dashed format (e.g. 01234567-0123-abcd-0123-0123456789ab).

Unfortunately, since the endpoint contains an identifier that can be easily traced back to a specific device, and therefore a specific user, there is the risk that a user might inadvertently disclose personal information via their metadata. To prevent this, the server obscures the UAID and CHID pair to prevent casual determination.

As an example, it is possible for a user to get a Push endpoint for two different accounts from the same User Agent. If the UAID were disclosed, then a site may be able to associate a single user to both of those accounts. In addition, there are reasons that storing the UAID and CHID in the URL makes operating the server more efficient.

Naturally, we're always looking at ways to improve and reduce the length of the URL. This is why it's important to store the entire length of the endpoint URL, rather than try and optimize in some manner.