
Test Strategy

Autopush is tested using a combination of functional, integration, and performance tests.

Unit tests are written in the same Rust module as the code they are testing. Integration and Load Test code are in the tests/ directory, both written in Python.

Presently, the Autopush test strategy does not require a minimum test coverage percentage for unit tests. However, the recommended minimum performance threshold is 60%.

Test metrics are generated from Junit XML and coverage JSON files that are produced in CI/CD and consumed by the ETE test metric pipeline. Visualizations of the metrics are available on the Autopush-rs Looker Dashboard. For more information on test metrics and the pipeline see the ETE team documentation.

The functional test strategy is three-tiered, composed of:

See the documentation in each given test area for specific details on running and maintaining tests.

Unit Tests

Unit tests allow for testing individual components of code in isolation to ensure they function as expected. Rust's built-in support for writing and running unit tests use the #[cfg(test)] attribute and the #[test] attribute.

Best Practices

  • Test functions are regular Rust functions annotated with the #[test] attribute.
  • Test functions should be written in the same module as the code they are testing.
  • Test functions should be named in a manner that describes the behavior being tested.

For example:

    fn test_broadcast_change_tracker()
  • The use of assertion macros is encouraged. This includes, but is not limited to: assert_eq!(actual, expected), assert_ne!(actual, expected), assert!(<condition>).
  • You should group related tests into modules using the mod keyword. Furthermore, test modules can be nested to organize tests in a hierarchy.

Running Unit Tests

Run Rust unit tests with the cargo test command from the root of the directory.

To run a specific test, provide the function name to cargo test. Ex. cargo test test_function_name.

Integration Tests

The autopush-rs tests are written in Python and located in the integration test directory.

Testing Configuration

All dependencies are maintained by Poetry and defined in the tests/pyproject.toml file.

There are a few configuration steps required to run the Python integration tests:

  1. Depending on your operating system, ensure you have cmake and openssl installed. If using MacOS, for example, you can use brew install cmake openssl.
  2. Build Autopush-rs: from the root directory, execute cargo build
  3. Setup Local Bigtable emulator. For more information on Bigtable, see the Bigtable emulation docs in this repo.
  • Install the Google Cloud CLI
  • Install and run the Google Bigtable Emulator
  • Configure the Bigtable emulator by running the following shell script: (Note, this will create a project and instance both named test, meaning that the tablename will be projects/test/instances/test/tables/autopush)
  1. Create Python virtual environment. It is recommended to use pyenv virtualenv:
$ pyenv virtualenv
$ pyenv install 3.12 # install matching version currently used
$ pyenv virtualenv 3.12 push-312 # you can name this whatever you like
$ pyenv local push-312 # sets this venv to activate when entering dir
$ pyenv activate push-312
  1. Run poetry install to install all dependencies for testing.

Running Integration Tests

To run the integration tests, simply run make integration-tests-local from your terminal at the root of the project.

You can alter the verbosity and logging output by adding command line flags to the PYTEST_ARGS ?= variable in the root project Makefile. For example, for greater verbosity and stdout printing, add -vv -s. (Note: This may be unreliable due to several hand-offs during the make / docker build process. For reliability, you may which to modify the pyproject.toml:[tool.pytest.ini_options] file to include the options.)

The test output is then emitted in your terminal instance. This includes the name of the tests, whether they pass or fail and any exceptions that are triggered during the test run.

The integration tests make use of pytest markers for filtering tests. These can be used with the -m pytest option specified in the pyproject.toml:[tool.pytest.ini_options] file , or can be used through the following environment variables and integration-test-local make command.

SKIP_SENTRYsentryIf set will exclude all tests marked with sentry from execution
TEST_STUBstubIf set will include all tests marked with stub in execution
TEST_RELIABILITYreliable_reportIf set will include all tests marked with reliable_report in execution

Integration tests in CI will be triggered automatically whenever a commit is pushed to a branch as a part of the CI PR workflow.

Using Docker to run the Integration Tests.

If you aren't needing to run specific tests you can use the containerized version of the integration tests with the following make command: make integration-test. This will build a docker image and set up the Big Table emulator as well as execute a default set of tests with the not stub marker.


In some instances after making test changes, the test client can potentially hang in a dangling process. This can result in inaccurate results or tests not running correctly. You can run the following commands to determine the PID's of the offending processes and terminate them:

$ ps -fA | grep autopush
# any result other than grep operation is dangling
$ kill -s KILL <PID>

Firefox Testing

To test a locally running Autopush with Firefox, you will need to edit several config variables in Firefox.

  1. Open a New Tab.
  2. Go to about:config in the Location bar and hit Enter, accept the disclaimer if it's shown.
  3. Search for dom.push.serverURL, make a note of the existing value (you can right-click the preference and choose Reset to restore the default).
  4. Double click the entry and change it to ws://localhost:8080/.
  5. Right click in the page and choose New -> Boolean, name it dom.push.testing.allowInsecureServerURL and set it to true.

You should then restart Firefox to begin using your local Autopush.


On Android, you can set dom.push.debug to enable debug logging of Push via adb logcat.

For desktop use, you can set dom.push.loglevel to "debug". This will log all push messages to the Browser Console (Tools > Web Developer > Browser Console).

Load Tests - Performance Testing

Performance load tests can be found under the tests/load directory. These tests spawn multiple clients that connect to Autopush in order to simulate real-world load on the infrastructure. These tests use the Locust framework and are triggered manually at the discretion of the Autopush Engineering Team.

For more details see the README.md file in the tests/load directory.