Message Matcher Syntax
The message matcher allows sandboxes to select which messages they want to consume (see Heka Message Structure)
1. Examples
- Type == "test" && Severity == 6
- (Severity == 7 || Payload == "Test Payload") && Type == "test"
- Fields[foo] != "bar"
- Fields[foo][1][0] == "alternate"
- Fields[MyBool] == TRUE
- Fields[created] =~ "^2015"
- Fields[string] =~ ""% -- literal pattern vs ""
- Fields[widget] != NIL
- Timestamp >= "2016-05-24T00:00:00Z"
- Timestamp >= 1464048000000000000
2. Relational Operators
- == equals
- != not equals
- > greater than
- >= greater than equals
- < less than
- <= less than equals
- =~ Lua pattern match
- !~ Lua negated pattern match
3. Logical Operators
- Parentheses are used for grouping expressions
- && and (higher precedence)
- || or
4. Boolean
5. Constants
- NIL used to test the existence (!=) or non-existence (==) of optional headers or field variables
6. Message Variables
- All message variables must be on the left hand side of the relational comparison
6.1. String
- Uuid - 16 byte raw binary type 4 UUID (useful for partitioning data)
- Type
- Logger
- Payload
- EnvVersion
- Hostname
6.2. Numeric
- Timestamp - in addition to nanoseconds since the UNIX epoch an RFC3339 string is also accepted e.g., "2016-05-24T21:51:00Z"
- Severity
- Pid
6.3. Fields
- Fields[field_name] - shorthand for Field[field_name][0][0]
- Fields[field_name][field_index] - shorthand for Field[field_name][field_index][0]
- Fields[field_name][field_index][array_index] the indices are restricted to 0-255
- If a field type is mis-match for the relational comparison, false will be returned e.g., Fields[foo] == 6 where "foo" is a string
7. Quoted String
- Single or double quoted strings are allowed
- The maximum string length is 255 bytes
8. Lua Pattern Matching Expression
- Patterns are quoted string values
- An 'escape' pattern modifier of
is allowed e.g.""%
is treated as a literal instead of a pattern and behaves like the 'plain' option on string.find(). If there are no pattern match characters in the string this modifier is set automatically.
- An 'escape' pattern modifier of
- See Lua Patterns
- Capture groups are ignored
9. Additional Restrictions
- Message matchers are restricted to 128 relational comparisons
- A NUL character '\0' is not allowed in a matcher string