Analysis Sandbox Interface

1. Recommendations

Since the sandbox does not run in isolation there are some expectations of how the host infrastructure behaves. The current recommendations are based on the Hindsight reference implementation.

2. Disabled Functionality

  • base library
    • collectgarbage, dofile, load, loadfile, loadstring, newproxy
  • coroutine
    • the entire module is inaccessible
  • string
    • dump
  • io
    • the entire module is inaccessible
  • os
    • getenv, execute, exit, remove, rename, setlocale, tmpname

3. Required Lua Functions (called by the host)

3.1. process_message

Called when the host has a message available for analysis. Usually used in combination with a message matcher expression.

Recommenation: specify this as a message_matcher configuration option.


  • none


  • status_code (number)
    • success (less than or equal to zero)
    • fatal error (greater than zero)
  • status_message (optional: string) logged when the status code is less than zero

3.2. timer_event

Called when the host timer expires or on shutdown.

Recommendation: specify this as a ticker_interval configuration option.


  • ns (number) - nanosecond timestamp of the function call (it is actually time_t * 1e9 to keep the timestamp units consistent so it will only have a one second resolution)
  • shutdown (bool) - true if timer_event is being called due to a shutdown


  • none

4. Available C Functions (called from the plugin)

4.1. read_config

Provides access to the sandbox configuration variables.


  • key (string) - configuration key name


  • value (string, number, bool, table)

4.2. read_message

Provides access to the Heka message data. Note that both fieldIndex and arrayIndex are zero-based (i.e. the first element is 0) as opposed to Lua's standard indexing, which is one-based.


  • variableName (string)
    • framed (returns the Heka message protobuf string including the framing header)
    • raw (returns the Heka message protobuf string)
    • size (returns the size of the raw Heka message protobuf string)
    • Uuid
    • Type
    • Logger
    • Payload
    • EnvVersion
    • Hostname
    • Timestamp
    • Severity
    • Pid
    • Fields[name]
  • fieldIndex (unsigned) - only used in combination with the Fields variableName use to retrieve a specific instance of a repeated field name; zero indexed
  • arrayIndex (unsigned) - only used in combination with the Fields variableName use to retrieve a specific element out of a field containing an array; zero indexed
  • zeroCopy (bool, optional default false) - returns a userdata place holder for the message variable (only valid for string types). Non string headers throw an error during construction, non string fields throw an error on data retrieval.


  • value (number, string, bool, nil, userdata depending on the type of variable requested)

4.3. decode_message

Converts a Heka protobuf encoded message string into a Lua table or throws an error.


  • heka_pb (string, userdata) - Heka protobuf binary string or a zero copy userdata object containing a Heka protobuf binary string.


  • msg (Heka message table (array fields)) with the value member always being an array (even if there is only a single item). This format makes working with the output more consistent. The wide variation in the inject table formats is to ease the construction of the message especially when using an LPeg grammar transformation.

4.4. inject_message

Creates a new Heka protocol buffer message using the contents of the specified Lua table (overwriting whatever is in the payload buffer). Timestamp, Logger, Hostname and Pid are restricted header values. An override configuration option is provided restricted_headers; when true (default) the headers are always set to the configuration values; when false the headers are set to the values provided in the message table, if no value is provided it defaults to the appropriate value.



  • none (throws an error if the table does not match the Heka message schema)

4.5. add_to_payload

Appends the arguments to the payload buffer for incremental construction of the final payload output (inject_payload finalizes the buffer and sends the message to the infrastructure). This function is a rename of the generic sandbox output function to improve the readability of the plugin code.


  • arg (number, string, bool, nil, supported userdata)


  • none (throws an error if arg is an unsupported type)

4.6. inject_payload

This is a wrapper function for inject_message that is included for backwards compatibility. The function creates a new Heka message using the contents of the payload buffer (pre-populated with add_to_payload) and combined with any additional payload_args passed here. The payload buffer is cleared after the injection. The payload_type and payload_name arguments are two pieces of optional metadata stored is message fields. The resulting message is structured like this:

msg = {
Timestamp   = <current time>
Uuid        = "<auto generated>"
Hostname    = "<the Hostname from the config>"
Logger      = "<the Logger name from the config>"
Type        = "inject_payload"
Payload     = "<payload buffer contents>"
Fields      = {
    payload_type = "txt",
    payload_name = "",


  • payload_type (optional: string, default "txt") - describes the content type of the injected payload data
  • payload_name (optional: string, default "") - names the content to aid in downstream filtering
  • arg3 (optional) -ame type restrictions as add_to_payload
  • ...
  • argN


  • none (throws an error if arg is an unsupported type)

4.7. Modes of Operation

4.7.1. Lock Step

  • Receives one call to process_message, operates on the message, and returns success (0) or failure (-1)

4.7.2. Example simple counter plugin

-- cfg
message_matcher = "TRUE"
ticker_interval = 5
-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
-- License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
-- file, You can obtain one at

local cnt = 0

function process_message()
    cnt = cnt + 1
    return 0

function timer_event()
    inject_payload("txt", "count", cnt)

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    No results matching ""