Using Decoders with Input Plugins

This guide walks through how input plugins and decoders are used in the context of ingesting syslogs. Each section starts with a description followed by a configuration, input file and the resulting output. The configurations are evolved to demonstrate the available functionality.

For all of the examples in this guide the file input is used. In a real world environment one would most likely use the tail, udp or tcp input plugins. They can be swapped in at any time as the syslog decoder configurations discussed here are independent from the input plugin being used.

1. Definition of Terms

  • Input Plugin - A piece of Lua code that loads data into Hindsight
  • Decoders/Sub-decoders - Zero or more stages during the input process where the raw data is transformed into a more useful form
  • Decoder Module - A Lua module (installed piece of code) used by input plugins to transform the raw input data
  • Grammar Module - A Lua module used by input plugins to transform the raw input data using only an LPeg grammar
  • printf Module - A Lua module with pre-defined printf parsers in an exported printf_messsages variable
  • Ad-hoc Parser - A data parser defined in the configuration instead of a decoder/grammar module

2. Basic Syslog Decoder Module

This is an example of a basic syslog decoder that extracts the header information (timestamp, hostname, pid, programname) and the message string. The only thing required to configure the basic syslog decoder is the template configuration specified in the rsyslog.conf file. The template below is the RSYSLOG_TraditionalFileFormat without the new line at the end since that is consumed by the file input. The Uuid (type 4 random) and Logger (input plugin name) are added to the output by Hindsight.

2.1. Configuration

filename = "file.lua"
input_filename = "syslog.log"
send_decode_failures = true
decoder_module = "decoders.syslog"

decoders_syslog = {
  template = "%TIMESTAMP% %HOSTNAME% %syslogtag%%msg:::sp-if-no-1st-sp%%msg:::drop-last-lf%",

2.2. Input

Feb 13 14:25:19 ubuntu sshd[7192]: Accepted publickey for foobar from port 4242 ssh2

2.3. Output

:Uuid: 0c1e9271-6b7c-451e-aa05-63cdaf14cf10
:Timestamp: 2018-02-13T14:25:19.000000000Z
:Type: <nil>
:Logger: input.syslog
:Severity: 7
:Payload: Accepted publickey for foobar from port 4242 ssh2
:EnvVersion: <nil>
:Pid: 7192
:Hostname: ubuntu
    | name: programname type: 0 representation: <nil> value: sshd

3. Ad-hoc printf Decoder

This is an example of a syslog decoder using an ad-hoc printf parser. The key in the sub_decoders hash is the programname from the syslog and its value is an array containing a printf grammar specification with a nil transformation table.

3.1. Configuration

filename = "file.lua"
input_filename = "adhoc.log"
send_decode_failures = true
decoder_module = "decoders.syslog"

decoders_syslog = {
  template = "%TIMESTAMP% %HOSTNAME% %syslogtag%%msg:::sp-if-no-1st-sp%%msg:::drop-last-lf%",

  sub_decoders = {
    foo = {
      { {"%s:%lu: invalid line", "path", "linenum"}, nil},

3.2. Input

Jan 23 08:50:03 ubuntu foo[1234]: /tmp/input.tsv:23: invalid line

3.3. Output

:Uuid: ff56099b-51d0-4ca5-af70-7509eaa6450a
:Timestamp: 2018-01-23T08:50:03.000000000Z
:Type: <nil>
:Logger: input.adhoc
:Severity: 7
:Payload: /tmp/input.tsv:23: invalid line
:EnvVersion: <nil>
:Pid: 1234
:Hostname: ubuntu
    | name: linenum type: 3 representation: <nil> value: 23
    | name: path type: 0 representation: <nil> value: /tmp/input.tsv
    | name: programname type: 0 representation: <nil> value: foo

4. Pre-defined printf Module Decoder

This is an example of a syslog decoder using a printf parser library. The value in the printf_messages array is the name of a module exporting another printf_messsage array that is imported for use here. The key in the sub_decoders hash is the programname from the syslog and its value is an array containing a sample message that the user would like parsed.

4.1. Configuration

filename = "file.lua"
input_filename = "syslog.log"
send_decode_failures = true
decoder_module = "decoders.syslog"

decoders_syslog = {
  template = "%TIMESTAMP% %HOSTNAME% %syslogtag%%msg:::sp-if-no-1st-sp%%msg:::drop-last-lf%",

  printf_messages = {

  sub_decoders = {
    sshd = {
      "Accepted publickey for foobar from port 4567 ssh2",

4.2. Input

Feb 13 14:25:19 ubuntu sshd[7192]: Accepted publickey for foobar from port 4242 ssh2

4.3. Output

:Uuid: 3bde3689-26a7-484f-a893-a7d6718be4c6
:Timestamp: 2018-02-13T14:25:19.000000000Z
:Type: <nil>
:Logger: input.printf
:Severity: 7
:Payload: Accepted publickey for foobar from port 4242 ssh2
:EnvVersion: <nil>
:Pid: 7192
:Hostname: ubuntu
    | name: ssh_remote_port type: 3 representation: <nil> value: 4242
    | name: method type: 0 representation: <nil> value: publickey
    | name: user type: 0 representation: <nil> value: foobar
    | name: ssh_remote_ipaddr type: 0 representation: ipv4 value:
    | name: programname type: 0 representation: <nil> value: sshd
    | name: extra type: 0 representation: <nil> value:
    | name: authmsg type: 0 representation: <nil> value: Accepted

5. Pre-defined printf Module Decoder with Transformation

This is an example of a syslog decoder using a printf parser library. The value in the printf_messages array is the name of a module exporting another printf_messsage array that is imported for use here. The key in the sub_decoders hash is the programname from the syslog and its value is an array containing a sample message that the user would like parsed and a transformation table. The transformation table is keyed by the field name to transform and the value is the transformation funtion to apply. The maxminddb_heka table is the configuration to control the transformation.

5.1. Configuration

filename = "file.lua"
input_filename = "syslog.log"
send_decode_failures = true
decoder_module = "decoders.syslog"

decoders_syslog = {
  template = "%TIMESTAMP% %HOSTNAME% %syslogtag%%msg:::sp-if-no-1st-sp%%msg:::drop-last-lf%",

  printf_messages = {

  sub_decoders = {
    sshd = {
      {"Accepted publickey for foobar from port 4242 ssh2", {ssh_remote_ipaddr = "maxminddb.heka#add_geoip"}},

maxminddb_heka = {
    databases = {
        ["GeoIP2-City.mmdb"] = {
            _city = {"city", "names", "en"},
            _country = {"country", "iso_code"}

5.2. Input

Feb 13 14:25:19 ubuntu sshd[7192]: Accepted publickey for foobar from port 4242 ssh2

5.3. Output

:Uuid: 5018c7e5-e51d-447f-aa84-a2f3a2d9ad11
:Timestamp: 2018-02-13T14:25:19.000000000Z
:Type: <nil>
:Logger: input.printf_transform
:Severity: 7
:Payload: Accepted publickey for foobar from port 4242 ssh2
:EnvVersion: <nil>
:Pid: 7192
:Hostname: ubuntu
    | name: ssh_remote_port type: 3 representation: <nil> value: 4242
    | name: method type: 0 representation: <nil> value: publickey
    | name: user type: 0 representation: <nil> value: foobar
    | name: extra type: 0 representation: <nil> value:
    | name: authmsg type: 0 representation: <nil> value: Accepted
    | name: ssh_remote_ipaddr_city type: 0 representation: <nil> value: Milton
    | name: ssh_remote_ipaddr_country type: 0 representation: <nil> value: US
    | name: programname type: 0 representation: <nil> value: sshd
    | name: ssh_remote_ipaddr type: 0 representation: ipv4 value:

6. Lua Grammar Module Decoder

This is an example of a syslog decoder using a grammar module. The key in the sub_decoders hash is the programname from the syslog and its value is the module name and optional grammar name reference to apply to the matching messages.

6.1. Configuration

filename = "file.lua"
input_filename = "grammar_module.log"
send_decode_failures = true
decoder_module = "decoders.syslog"

decoders_syslog = {
  template = "%TIMESTAMP% %HOSTNAME% %syslogtag%%msg:::sp-if-no-1st-sp%%msg:::drop-last-lf%",

  sub_decoders = {
    someapp = "lpeg.logfmt", -- shorthand for "lpeg.logfmt#grammar"

6.2. Input

Feb 14 19:20:21 ubuntu someapp[3453]: foo=bar a=14 baz="hello kitty" cool%story=bro f %^asdf ip=

6.3. Output

Uuid: 3cafda9a-261f-48b5-a288-cc6c0783ba3e
:Timestamp: 2018-02-14T19:20:21.000000000Z
:Type: <nil>
:Logger: input.grammar_module
:Severity: 7
:Payload: <nil>
:EnvVersion: <nil>
:Pid: 3453
:Hostname: ubuntu
    | name: a type: 0 representation: <nil> value: 14
    | name: foo type: 0 representation: <nil> value: bar
    | name: cool%story type: 0 representation: <nil> value: bro
    | name: baz type: 0 representation: <nil> value: hello kitty
    | name: %^asdf type: 4 representation: <nil> value: true
    | name: programname type: 0 representation: <nil> value: someapp
    | name: f type: 4 representation: <nil> value: true
    | name: ip type: 0 representation: <nil> value:

7. Lua Grammar Module Decoder with Transformation

This is an example of a syslog decoder using a grammar module. The key in the sub_decoders hash is the programname from the syslog and its value an array with a grammar module entry and a transformation table.

7.1. Configuration

filename = "file.lua"
input_filename = "grammar_module.log"
send_decode_failures = true
decoder_module = "decoders.syslog"

decoders_syslog = {
  template = "%TIMESTAMP% %HOSTNAME% %syslogtag%%msg:::sp-if-no-1st-sp%%msg:::drop-last-lf%",

  sub_decoders = {
    someapp = {
    { {"lpeg.logfmt"}, {ip = "maxminddb.heka#add_geoip"}},

maxminddb_heka = {
  databases = {
    ["GeoIP2-City.mmdb"] = {
        _city = {"city", "names", "en"},
        _country = {"country", "iso_code"}

7.2. Input

Feb 14 19:20:21 ubuntu someapp[3453]: foo=bar a=14 baz="hello kitty" cool%story=bro f %^asdf ip=

7.3. Output

:Uuid: eade849f-e90f-4cc7-a817-265545d4e522
:Timestamp: 2018-02-14T19:20:21.000000000Z
:Type: <nil>
:Logger: input.grammar_transform
:Severity: 7
:Payload: foo=bar a=14 baz="hello kitty" cool%story=bro f %^asdf ip=
:EnvVersion: <nil>
:Pid: 3453
:Hostname: ubuntu
    | name: a type: 0 representation: <nil> value: 14
    | name: baz type: 0 representation: <nil> value: hello kitty
    | name: ip type: 0 representation: <nil> value:
    | name: f type: 4 representation: <nil> value: true
    | name: ip_country type: 0 representation: <nil> value: US
    | name: ip_city type: 0 representation: <nil> value: Milton
    | name: %^asdf type: 4 representation: <nil> value: true
    | name: programname type: 0 representation: <nil> value: someapp
    | name: cool%story type: 0 representation: <nil> value: bro
    | name: foo type: 0 representation: <nil> value: bar

8. Lua Grammar Module Decoder with Match Arguments

This is an example of a syslog decoder using a grammar module that takes additional match arguments. The key in the sub_decoders hash is the programname from the syslog and its value an array with a grammar module entry and nil transformation table.

8.1. Configuration

filename = "file.lua"
input_filename = "grammar_module.log"
send_decode_failures = true
decoder_module = "decoders.syslog"

decoders_syslog = {
  template = "%TIMESTAMP% %HOSTNAME% %syslogtag%%msg:::sp-if-no-1st-sp%%msg:::drop-last-lf%",

  sub_decoders = {
    someapp = {
        { {"syslog_docs#demo", ""}, nil},

8.2. Input

Feb 14 19:20:21 ubuntu someapp[3453]: foo=bar a=14 baz="hello kitty" cool%story=bro f %^asdf ip=

8.3. Output

:Uuid: 0cde3ec6-b894-498e-aad6-abf3e4059342
:Timestamp: 2018-02-14T19:20:21.000000000Z
:Type: <nil>
:Logger: input.grammar_args
:Severity: 7
:Payload: foo=bar a=14 baz="hello kitty" cool%story=bro f %^asdf ip=
:EnvVersion: <nil>
:Pid: 3453
:Hostname: ubuntu
    | name: programname type: 0 representation: <nil> value: someapp
    | name: real_hostname type: 0 representation: <nil> value:

9. Lua Grammar Builder Module Decoder

This is an example of a syslog decoder using a grammar module that dynamically builds the needed grammar. The key in the sub_decoders hash is the programname from the syslog and its value is an array containing a grammar building function and its required argument, the log_format configuration string. The transformation table is not used in this example.

9.1. Configuration

filename = "file.lua"
input_filename = "decoder_module.log"
send_decode_failures = true
decoder_module = "decoders.syslog"

log_format = '$remote_addr - $remote_user [$time_local] "$request" $status $body_bytes_sent "$http_referer" "$http_user_agent"'

decoders_syslog = {
  template = "%TIMESTAMP% %HOSTNAME% %syslogtag%%msg:::sp-if-no-1st-sp%%msg:::drop-last-lf%",

  sub_decoders = {
    nginx  = {
        { {"lpeg.common_log_format#build_nginx_grammar", log_format}, nil},

9.2. Input

Jan 23 08:50:02 ubuntu nginx[1234]: - - [10/Feb/2014:08:46:41 -0800] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 304 0 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:26.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/26.0"

9.3. Output

:Uuid: 4d2347c9-26b6-4c7d-a703-edbf9335ecb8
:Timestamp: 2018-01-23T08:50:02.000000000Z
:Type: <nil>
:Logger: input.function
:Severity: 7
:Payload: - - [10/Feb/2014:08:46:41 -0800] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 304 0 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:26.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/26.0"
:EnvVersion: <nil>
:Pid: 1234
:Hostname: ubuntu
    | name: remote_user type: 0 representation: <nil> value: -
    | name: http_user_agent type: 0 representation: <nil> value: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:26.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/26.0
    | name: body_bytes_sent type: 3 representation: B value: 0
    | name: remote_addr type: 0 representation: ipv4 value:
    | name: time type: 3 representation: <nil> value: 1.392050801e+18
    | name: request type: 0 representation: <nil> value: GET / HTTP/1.1
    | name: programname type: 0 representation: <nil> value: nginx
    | name: http_referer type: 0 representation: <nil> value: -
    | name: status type: 3 representation: <nil> value: 304

10. Lua Decoder Module

This is an example of a syslog decoder using a decoder module. The key in the sub_decoders hash is the programname from the syslog and its value is the module name to apply to the matching messages. The decoders_nginx_access table is the configuration information for the specified decoder. In this case it is the log_format configuration value from the nginx.conf that produced this syslog entry.

10.1. Configuration

filename = "file.lua"
input_filename = "decoder_module.log"
send_decode_failures = true
decoder_module = "decoders.syslog"

decoders_syslog = {
  template = "%TIMESTAMP% %HOSTNAME% %syslogtag%%msg:::sp-if-no-1st-sp%%msg:::drop-last-lf%",

  sub_decoders = {
    nginx  = "decoders.nginx.access",

decoders_nginx_access = {
  log_format = '$remote_addr - $remote_user [$time_local] "$request" $status $body_bytes_sent "$http_referer" "$http_user_agent"'

10.2. Input

Jan 23 08:50:02 ubuntu nginx[1234]: - - [10/Feb/2014:08:46:41 -0800] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 304 0 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:26.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/26.0"

10.3. Output

:Uuid: 544eef18-d932-4928-a927-3059e95d8d33
:Timestamp: 2014-02-10T16:46:41.000000000Z
:Type: <nil>
:Logger: input.decoder_module
:Severity: 7
:Payload: <nil>
:EnvVersion: <nil>
:Pid: 1234
:Hostname: ubuntu
    | name: body_bytes_sent type: 3 representation: B value: 0
    | name: remote_addr type: 0 representation: ipv4 value:
    | name: http_referer type: 0 representation: <nil> value: -
    | name: status type: 3 representation: <nil> value: 304
    | name: request type: 0 representation: <nil> value: GET / HTTP/1.1
    | name: programname type: 0 representation: <nil> value: nginx
    | name: remote_user type: 0 representation: <nil> value: -
    | name: http_user_agent type: 0 representation: <nil> value: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:26.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/26.0

results matching ""

    No results matching ""