Input Sandbox Interface

1. Recommendations

Since the sandbox does not run in isolation there are some expectations of how the host infrastructure behaves. The current recommendations are based on the Hindsight reference implementation.

2. Disabled Functionality

3. Required Lua Functions (called by the host)

3.1. process_message

Entry point for message creation.


  • checkpoint (nil number, string) - value of the last checkpoint value passed into inject_message


  • status_code (number)
    • success (less than or equal to zero)
    • fatal error (greater than zero)
  • status_message (optional: string) logged when the status code is less than zero

4. Available C Functions (called from the plugin)

4.1. read_config

Provides access to the sandbox configuration variables.


  • key (string) - configuration key name


  • value (string, number, bool, table)

4.2. is_running

Provides a synchronization point for collecting statistics and communicating shutdown status.


  • none


  • running (boolean) - true if a sandbox state is LSB_RUNNING, false if not or throws an error if the request to the host fails.

4.3. decode_message

Converts a Heka protobuf encoded message string into a Lua table. See decode_message for details.

4.4. inject_message

Sends a Heka protocol buffer message into the host. For the Heka message table arguments Timestamp, Logger, Hostname and Pid are restricted header values. An override configuration option is provided restricted_headers; when true the headers are always set to the configuration values; when false (default) the headers are set to the values provide in the message table, if no value is provided it defaults to the appropriate value.


  • msg (Heka message table, Heka stream reader, Heka protobuf string, or nil (if only updating the checkpoint))
  • checkpoint (optional: number, string) - checkpoint to be returned in the process_message call


  • none - throws an error on invalid input

4.5. create_stream_reader

Creates a Heka stream reader to enable parsing of a framed Heka protobuf stream in a Lua sandbox. See: Example of a Heka protobuf reader


  • name (string) - name of the stream reader (used in the log)


  • hsr (userdata) - Heka stream reader or an error is thrown

4.5.1. Heka Stream Reader Methods


Locates a Heka message within the stream.

local found, consumed, need = hsr:find_message(buf)


  • buf (string, userdata (FILE*)) - buffer containing a Heka protobuf stream data or a userdata file object
  • decode (bool default: true) - true if the framed message should be protobuf decoded


  • found (bool) - true if a message was found
  • consumed (number) - number of bytes consumed so the offset can be tracked for checkpointing purposes
  • need/read (number) - number of bytes needed to complete the message or fill the underlying buffer or in the case of a file object the number of bytes added to the buffer

Converts a Heka protobuf encoded message string into a stream reader representation. Note: this operation clears the internal stream reader buffer.


  • heka_pb (string) - Heka protobuf binary string


  • none - throws an error on failure

Provides access to the Heka message data within the reader object. The zeroCopy flag is not accepted here.

local ts = hsr:read_message("Timestamp")

See read_message for details.

5. Modes of Operation

5.1. Run Once

  • Set the ticker_interval to zero and return from process_message done.
  • The instruction_limit configuration can be set if desired.

5.1.1. Example startup ping

-- cfg
-- send a simple 'hello' messages every time the host is started
ticker_interval = 0
-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
-- License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
-- file, You can obtain one at

-- the checkpoint is optional and not being used by this plugin
function process_message()
    inject_message({Type = "hello"})
    return 0

5.2. Polling

  • Set the ticker_interval greater than zero and non fatally (<=0) return from process_message, when the ticker interval expires process_message will be called again.
  • The instruction_limit configuration can be set if desired.

5.2.1. Example heartbeat ping

-- cfg
ticker_interval = 60
-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
-- License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
-- file, You can obtain one at

require "io"

local msg = {
Type        = "uptime",
Payload     = "",

function process_message()
    local fh = io.popen("uptime")
    if fh then
        msg.Payload = fh:read("*a")
        return -1, "popen failed"
    if msg.Payload then inject_message(msg) end
    return 0

5.3. Continuous

  • Don't return from process_message.
  • The instruction_limit configuration MUST be set to zero.

5.3.1. Example of a Heka protobuf stdin reader

-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
-- License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
-- file, You can obtain one at

Reads a Heka protobuf stream from the stdin file handle

-- .cfg
instruction_limit = 0


local stdin = require "io".stdin
require "string"

local hsr = create_stream_reader(read_config("Logger"))

function process_message()
    local cnt = 0
    local found, consumed, read
            found, consumed, read = hsr:find_message(stdin)
            if found then
                cnt = cnt + 1
        until not found
    until read == 0
    return 0, string.format("processed %d messages", cnt)

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    No results matching ""