9 #ifndef luasandbox_util_heka_message_h_ 10 #define luasandbox_util_heka_message_h_ 20 #define LSB_UUID_SIZE 16 21 #define LSB_UUID_STR_SIZE 36 22 #define LSB_HDR_FRAME_SIZE 3 23 #define LSB_MIN_HDR_SIZE 14 24 #define LSB_MAX_HDR_SIZE (255 + LSB_HDR_FRAME_SIZE) 26 #define LSB_UUID "Uuid" 27 #define LSB_TIMESTAMP "Timestamp" 28 #define LSB_TYPE "Type" 29 #define LSB_LOGGER "Logger" 30 #define LSB_SEVERITY "Severity" 31 #define LSB_PAYLOAD "Payload" 32 #define LSB_ENV_VERSION "EnvVersion" 34 #define LSB_HOSTNAME "Hostname" 35 #define LSB_FIELDS "Fields" 37 #define LSB_FRAMED "framed" 38 #define LSB_SIZE "size" 162 size_t *discarded_bytes,
LSB_UTIL_EXPORT void lsb_clear_heka_message(lsb_heka_message *m)
Resets the message headers and fields zeroing the allocated memory.
const char * lsb_err_value
struct lsb_heka_field lsb_heka_field
LSB_UTIL_EXPORT void lsb_free_heka_message(lsb_heka_message *m)
Frees the memory allocated for the message fields.
LSB_UTIL_EXPORT bool lsb_read_heka_field(const lsb_heka_message *m, lsb_const_string *name, int fi, int ai, lsb_read_value *val)
Reads a dynamic field from the Heka message.
lsb_const_string env_version
lsb_const_string representation
lsb_const_string hostname
Data stream output buffer.
Shared types and structures.
LSB_UTIL_EXPORT bool lsb_decode_heka_message(lsb_heka_message *m, const char *buf, size_t len, lsb_logger *logger)
Decodes an array of bytes into a Heka message.
lsb_pb_value_types value_type
LSB_UTIL_EXPORT size_t lsb_write_heka_header(char *buf, size_t len)
Writes the Heka framing header to the specified buffer.
struct lsb_heka_message lsb_heka_message
LSB_UTIL_EXPORT bool lsb_find_heka_message(lsb_heka_message *m, lsb_input_buffer *ib, bool decode, size_t *discarded_bytes, lsb_logger *logger)
Locates a framed Heka message in an input buffer.
LSB_UTIL_EXPORT lsb_err_value lsb_write_heka_uuid(lsb_output_buffer *ob, const char *uuid, size_t len)
Writes a binary UUID to the output buffer.
LSB_UTIL_EXPORT lsb_err_value lsb_init_heka_message(lsb_heka_message *m, int num_fields)
Zero the structure and allocate memory for at least 'size' fields.