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Handling permissions

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When creating a generic data storage (Kinto), permissions handling is one of the big challenges: who should get access to what, and how should we define these rules?

tl;dr: Some feedback about the permissions vocabulary and our ideas about how to implement permissions management in a generic data storage system

The problem at hand

The problem we're facing is simple: data is stored online and we need a way to share this data with other people.

Looking at the use cases, it's possible to split our users in two categories:

  • End users (you);
  • Applications which interact on their behalf.

Different parties don't have the same rights: some should be able to read, others should write, yet another should be able to create new records, and all this permission handling should be fine-grained: it should be possible to read one record but not the other, for instance.

We started from the fact that no available solution was offering an appealing solution to these needs.

A vocabulary problem

The principal problem that got in our way during our thinking was the vocabulary.


A principal, is an entity that can be authenticated by a computer system. It is the actor who does the action. [1]

It could either be someone, a computer, a service or a group of any of such things. This is conceptually wider than the classical "user id*".

Permissions are then associated to these principals.

For instance, a user is identified in an unique way when he connects to the authentication system, which role is to define a list of principals for the authenticating user.

[1]To read more about principals :

The difference between a role and a group

From scratch, it's not easy to precisely define the difference between these two concepts which allow to associate permissions to a group of principals. [2]

The difference is mainly semantic, but we can see a difference in the "direction" of the relationship between these two concepts.

  • A role is a list of permissions associated to a principal;
  • A group is a list of principals we can associate to a permission.
[2]More information at:

The difference between permission, ACL and ACE

An ACL is a list of Access Control Entry (ACE) enabling or disabling acces rights to a person or a group.


I would even say, in our case, "to a principal". For instance:

create_record: alexis,remy,tarek

This ACE gives the create permission on the record object to the users Tarek, RĂ©my and Alexis.

Permissions delegation

Imagine the following example, where Alice stores two types of data online:

  • a list of contacts ;
  • a list of tasks, which can be associated to her contacts.

Alice has all the rights on its data.

However, she's using two applications which should have a restricted access:

  • One application to handle contacts, to which she wants to delegate the entire management: contacts:write ;
  • Another application to handle the tasks, to which she wants to delegate the management of the tasks, and the reading of the contacts: contacts:read tasks:write

She wants to prevent her contacts application to access the tasks and the tasks app should not be able to update existing contacts, just eventually creating new ones.

She then needs a way to delegate some of her permissions to a third party (the app).

That's precisely the role of OAuth2 scopes.

During the connection of a user, a window will ask her which access she wants to give to the application that will act on her behalf.

The service will then have access to these scopes by looking at the used authentication token. This information should be considered as a user input (that is, we cannot trust it). It is what the user wants, not what the user should have access to.

It's possible that the user don't have access to the requested data. The service should use two levels of permissions: the user ones, and the ones that were delegated to the application.


In our initial implementation of Kinto (our generic data storage service), the namespace was implicit: stored data was necessarily tied to the connected user.

User data were then impossible to share.

Namespaces are a simple way to handle the data sharing problem.

We chose to re-use the GitHub and BitBucket mode, which uses "organisations" as namespaces.

In our case, it's possible to create "buckets", which are one of these namespaces. A bucket is a container for collections and user groups.

ACLs on these collections can be given to certain groups of the bucket, and directly to other principals.

Our API proposal

Manipulated objects

To handle permissions, we identified the following objects:

Object Description
bucket We can see them as namespaces. They allow to have different collections having the same name but stored in different buckets so that data are distinct.
collection A list of records.
record A record from a collection
group A group of principals

To define ACLs, there is a hierarchy: objects inherit the ACLs from their parents.

           | Bucket        |
    +----->+ - id          +<---+
    |      | - permissions |    |
    |      +---------------+    |
    |                           |
    |                           |
    |                           |
    |                           |
    |                           |
+---+-----------+        +------+---------+
| Collection    |        | Group          |
+---------------+        +----------------+
| - id          |        |  - id          |
| - permissions |        |  - members     |
+------+--------+        |  - permissions |
       ^                 +----------------+
| Record         |
|  - id          |
|  - data        |
|  - permissions |


For all of these objects, we identified the following permissions:

Permission Description
read The permission to read the content of the object and all its children.
write The permission to modify and administration an object and all its children objects. The write permission allows reading, modification and deletion of objects, and the handling of permissions on this object.
create The permission to create the specified child object. For instance: collections:create

To each specified permission on an object is associated a list of principals.

For the create permission, we are forced to specify which child the permission applies to since an object can have different kind of child nodes. For instance: collections:create, groups:create.

We don't have a delete and update permission so far, because we don't have any use case which needs them. Whoever with the write permission can also delete a record.

Permissions from an object are inherited from its parent. For instance, a record created in a collection available to anyone will also be available to anyone.

Said differently, it's not possible that an object has a more restrictive permission that its parent.

Here is a complete list of permissions:

Object Associated permissions Comment
Configuration (.ini) buckets:create Principals who can create a bucket are defined in the service configuration (for instance "authenticated users")
bucket write The "admin" permission for the bucket.
read The permission to read all the content of all objects in the bucket.
collections:create Permission to create collections in the bucket.
groups:create Permission to create groups in the bucket.
collection write Permission to administrate all objects in the collection.
read Permission to consult all objects in the collection.
records:create Permission to create new records in the collection.
record write Permission to modify or share the record.
read Permission to read the record.
group write Permission to administrate the group.
read Permission to know the members of the group.


Actors connecting to the storage service can authenticate themselves.

They then receive a list of principals:

  • Everyone: the principal given to all actors (authenticated or not);
  • Authenticated: the principal given to all authenticated actors;
  • A principal identifying the actor, for instance fxa:32aa95a474c984d41d395e2d0b614aa2

In order to avoid identifiers collisions, the actor principal is built from the authentication type used (system, basic, ipaddr, hawk, fxa) and the identifier.

Depending the bucket on which the action is taking place, the groups the user is a member of are also added to her list of principals (e.g. group:moderators)

So, if Bob connects with his Firefox Account on the servicedenuages_blog bucket, on which he is a member of the moderators group, he would have the following list of principals: Everyone, Authenticated, fxa:32aa95a474c984d41d395e2d0b614aa2, group:moderators

It's then possible to assign a permission to Bob by using one of these principals.


The <userid> principal depends on the authentication back-end used (e.g. github:leplatrem).

A few examples


Object Permissions Principals
bucket:blog write fxa:<blog owner id>
collection:articles write group:moderators
read Everyone
record:569e28r98889 write fxa:<co-author id>


Object Permissions Principals
bucket:wiki write fxa:<wiki administrator id>
collection:articles write Authenticated
read Everyone


Object Permissions Principals
bucket:poll write fxa:<admin id>
collection:create Authenticated
collection:<poll id> write fxa:<poll author id>
record:create Everyone

Collaborative maps

Object Permissions Principals
bucket:maps write fxa:<admin id>
collection:create Authenticated
collection:<map id> write fxa:<map author id>
read Everyone
record:<record id> write fxa:<maintainer id> (ex. event staff member maintaining venues)


Of course, there are many ways to modelize common use cases. For instance, it's possible to imagine a wiki platform (ala where wikis are private by default and some pages can be published:

Object Permissions Principals
bucket:freewiki write fxa:<administrator id>
collection:create Authenticated
group:create Authenticated
collection:<wiki id> write fxa:<wiki owner id>, group:<editors id>
read group:<readers id>
record:<page id> read Everyone


During the creation of an object, the user is given the write permission on the object:

PUT /v1/buckets/servicedenuages_blog HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer 0b9c2625dc21ef05f6ad4ddf47c5f203837aa32ca42fced54c2625dc21efac32
Accept: application/json

HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

    "id": "servicedenuages_blog",
    "permissions": {
        "write": ["fxa:49d02d55ad10973b7b9d0dc9eba7fdf0"]

It's possible to add permissions using the PATCH HTTP method.

PATCH /v1/buckets/servicedenuages_blog/collections/articles HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer 0b9c2625dc21ef05f6ad4ddf47c5f203837aa32ca42fced54c2625dc21efac32
Accept: application/json

    "permissions": {
        "read": ["+system.Everyone"]

HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

    "id": "servicedenuages_blog",
    "permissions": {
        "write": ["fxa:49d02d55ad10973b7b9d0dc9eba7fdf0"],
        "read": ["system.Everyone"]

For PATCH, we are thinking about using a syntax prefixed with a + or a - to add or remove principals on an ACL.

It is also possible to do a PUT to reset the ACLs, knowing that the PUT will then add the current user to the list. It's possible to use a PATCH to remove herself from the list. Adding the current user allows to avoid situations where nobody has access to the data anymore.


The create permission is used for a POST but also for a PUT when the record doesn't exist.

The specific case of user data

One of the current feature of Kinto is to handle record collections by user.

On *nix systems, it's possible, for an application, to save configuration for the current user in her personal folder, without bothering about its specific location, using ~.

In our case, if an application want to save contacts for a user, it can use a shortcut to reference the personal bucket of the user: /buckets/personal/collections/contacts.

This URL will return a HTTP 307 to the current user bucket.

POST /v1/buckets/personal/collections/contacts/records HTTP/1.1

   "name": "RĂ©my",
   "emails": [""],
   "phones": ["+330820800800"]

HTTP/1.1 307 Temporary Redirect
Location: /v1/buckets/fxa:49d02d55ad10973b7b9d0dc9eba7fdf0/collections/contacts/records

Like so, it's possible for Alice to share her contacts with Bob. She just have to give the read permission to Bob on her collection and give him the complete URL: /v1/buckets/fxa:49d02d55ad10973b7b9d0dc9eba7fdf0/collections/contacts/records.

Permissions delegation

In Kinto, we defined a format to restrict permissions using OAuth2 scopes: storage:<bucket_id>:<collection_id>:<permissions_list>.

Taking back the previous tasks example, it is possible for Bob to create a specific OAuth2 token with the following scopes: profile storage:todolist:tasks:write storage:personal:contacts:read+records:create

Like so, even if Bob has the write permission on his contacts, the application using this token will only be able to read the existing contacts and add new ones.

One part of the complexity is to manage presenting these scopes in a readable way to the user, so she or he is able to chose which permissions to give to the applications acting on her behalf.

So, here is where we're at with our thinking!

If you have things to add or discuss with this proposal, don't hesitate to interrupt us while it's still possible!

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