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De/Serialization for Rust’s builtin and std types


DEPRECATED De/Serialize a BTreeMap into a list of tuples

Deserialize from bytes or string

Deserialize value and return Default on error

Deserialize default value if encountering null.

De/Serialize using Display and FromStr implementation

Makes a distinction between a missing, unset, or existing value

DEPRECATED De/Serialize a HashMap into a list of tuples

De/Serialize a Map into a list of tuples

Ensure no duplicate keys exist in a map.

Ensure that the first key is taken, if duplicate keys exist

De/Serialize sequences using FromIterator and IntoIterator implementation for it and Display and FromStr implementation for each element

Ensure no duplicate values exist in a set.

DEPRECATED Ensure that the first value is taken, if duplicate values exist

Ensure that the last value is taken, if duplicate values exist

De/Serialize a Option<String> type while transforming the empty string to None

This serializes a list of tuples into a map and back

Serialize inner value if Some(T). If None, serialize the unit struct ().


De/Serialize a delimited collection using Display and FromStr implementation


Deserialize any value, ignore it, and return the default value for the type being deserialized.