Lua AMQP Module

1. Overview

WORK IN PROGRESS currently consumer only

A RabbitMQ AMQP producer/consumer library for Lua

2. Module

2.1. Example Usage

require "amqp"
local consumer = amqp.receive(cfg)
msg, exchange, routing_key = consumer:receive()
if msg then
-- msg
    Uuid        = "<binary>",
    Timestamp   = 0, -- receive time nanoseconds
    Logger      = "input.amqp",
    Hostname    = "",
    Pid         = 1234,
    Fields = {
        timestamp           = 0, -- nanoseconds
        content_type        = "",
        content             = "", -- byte array, not stored in Payload as that technically has a UTF-8 restriction

        -- TBD these additional properties will not be extracted at this point
        content_encoding    = "",
        priority            = 0,
        message_id          = "",
        type                = "",
        user_id             = "",
        app_id              = "",
        cluster_id          = "",
        header.*            = <primitive type> -- arrays/tables not supported

2.2. Functions

2.2.1. consumer

Creates an AMQP consumer.

local consumer = amqp.consumer(cfg)


  • cfg (table)
    host                = "",
    vhost               = "/", -- default
    port                = 5672, -- default
    user                = "guest",
    _password           = "guest",
    connect_timeout     = 10, -- default seconds
    exchange            = "exchange/foo/bar",
    binding             = "#",
    queue_name          = nil, -- creates an exclusive/temporary queue
    manual_ack          = false,
    passive             = false,
    durable             = false,
    exclusive           = false,
    auto_delete         = false,
    prefetch_size       = 0,
    prefetch_count      = 1, -- default, read one at a time
    ssl = { -- optional if not provided ssl is disabled use ssl = {} to enable with defaults
      _key            = nil,  -- path to client key
      cert            = nil,  -- path to client cert
      cacert          = nil,  -- path to credential authority cert
      verifypeer      = false,
      verifyhostname  = false


  • consumer (userdata) - AMQP consumer or an error is thrown

2.2.2. version

require "amqp"
local v = amqp.version()
-- v == "0.0.1"

Returns a string with the running version of AMQP module.


  • none


  • Semantic version string

2.3. Consumer Methods

2.3.1. receive

Receives a message from the specified AMQP exchange. Throws on fatal error.

local msg = consumer:receive()


  • none


  • msg (table) -- currently just the body
  • content_type (string)
  • exchange (string)
  • routing_key (string)

2.3.2. ack

Acknowledges the last message received, this function MUST be called after the processing of each message is complete when the manual_ack configuration is true.

local ok = consumer:ack()


  • none


  • bool

results matching ""

    No results matching ""