Contile is a service that fetches tiles to support the Sponsored Tiles feature in Firefox. Sponsored Tiles are a set of display ads appearing on the Firefox New Tab page provided by either a paying partner, or a selected set of other partners.
Table of Contents
%%{init: {'theme':'dark'}}%% flowchart subgraph GCS[GCS] ImageStore Filtering end subgraph Firefox NewTab end subgraph ContileDep[ ] Contile GCS MaxmindDb end Firefox <-->|v1/tiles| Contile Firefox <--> ImageStore[(Tiles ImageStore)] Filtering[(AMP Filtering)] --> Contile Shepherd -->|Settings File| Filtering Contile --> MaxmindDb[(MaxmindDb)] ImageStore --> Contile Contile <-->|Tiles API| AMP["adMarketplace (AMP)"]